China VillaMellera: Tarjetas de Crédito <body>

Tarjetas de Crédito

Siempre me ha llamado la atención, al momento de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito, donde los establecimientos comerciales exigen una identificación que compruebe que la tarjeta realmente corresponde a quien la esta usando. Pero en la mayoría de los casos, ni siquiera se fijan en la identificación (si recuerdan pedirla) ni mucho menos en la firma. Encontré esta página muy interesante (es un poco larga), pero muy chistosa:

How crazy would I have to make my signature
before someone would actually notice?
In my lifetime, I have made nearly 15,000 credit card transactions. I purchase almost everything on plastic. What bugs me about credit card transactions is the signing. Who checks the signature? Nobody checks the signature.

Credit card signatures are a useless mechanism designed to make you feel safe, like airport security checks. So my question was, how crazy would I have to make my signature before someone would actually notice? Here is the actual signature on my credit card:

You can see that I already have the signature of a monkey on crack. Here is the way it looks when I don't have to sign in a space one-quarter of an inch high:
I am an arteest, and my signature must reflect that. But how arteestic could I get before someone will notice?

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“Tarjetas de Crédito”