China VillaMellera: Thursday of Poetry-The Challenge <body>

Thursday of Poetry-The Challenge

Do you think that your tomorrow
Will be different than today?
Do you think the things you hoped for
Will come true in any way?

By the thoughts you put in action,
By the dreams you strive to reach-
You can shape or form the future
By some hard-sought fact they teach.

Choose the good you want to happen-
It surrounds you in the "now".
You can make or change the present...
Let God's wisdom show you how!!

Take the path that seems to open;
for you're walking it today!
You can even change tomorrow
If you let God show the way!!

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“Thursday of Poetry-The Challenge”

  1. Blogger In Says:

    I have faith that tomorrow will be a better day, that I will have in my hands all everything that for any reason right now I dont have.
    I have faith that i will continue living for all the ones who needs love, because if I cant give love, them Im nothing in this world.
    I love you dear

  2. Blogger In Says: beautiful, it looks like your soul.

  3. Blogger Principemestizo Says:

    me conmovio bastante ginette qu ecool esta!!

  4. Blogger Chef Pablito Says:

    I totally agree that .....God shows the real way, when we are ready to go. At this moment, everything is a new BEGINNING. And eventually we got it..!

    beautiful poetry thursday... That is why I love you..!

    That is why I'm your Chef!!

  5. Blogger Atrum Says:

    Today u'r really inspired girl.

  6. Blogger Baakanit Says:

    Mucho positivismo cristiano, humano.

    Te cuidas, no dejes los chicharrones por el inglés. ;)


  7. Blogger Joan Guerrero Says:

    No creo, baakanit, que con esta lírica que esta niña ofrece, dudo que deje el chicharrón.

  8. Blogger Demetrix Says:

    Vaya, en inglish, jejejje

    Me gusto, no habia leido antes una poesia en ingles...

  9. Blogger luima Says:

    Yo te lo digo china que tu me recargas las pilas .

  10. Blogger Rosanna Carrasco Says:

    In God we must trust!!!!!!

    Thanks China!!!


  11. Blogger DpR Says:

    Precioso, nuestros sueños y nuestras metas deben de estar en primer lugar en las manos de Dios...